Money or Love?

LESSON 15.04.01
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Lesson Overview
This lesson plan focuses on educating 15-year-old students about the tactics used in cyberattacks, namely urgency, intimidation, and love bombing, which make teenagers increasingly vulnerable to phishing and scams as they spend more time online.
  • Suitable for age 15
  • 60 minutes + project work
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What's in this lesson?

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:
  • Explain how urgency can be used to manipulate individuals into acting hastily without considering the risks. 
  • Evaluate the tactic of intimidation in coercing individuals into divulging personal information or making payments.
  • Identify and describe the concept of love bombing in relation to romance scams, and demonstrate how to avoid falling victim to this tactic by recognising warning signs and being cautious with online relationships.

Key Concepts

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Lesson Structure

Introduction (5 min)
 Define the Keywords (15 min)
 Investigate the Scenario (30 min)
 Project Work (duration as needed)
 Key Takeaways (10 min)

Included in this Lesson

  • Presentation slides available in Powerpoint (.pptx) or in the Online Player 
  • Lesson plan for teachers
  • Printable handouts for students
  • Assessment rubric for project based learning
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